Beach Clean-up with CSULB Theta Tau


We collaborated with Theta Tau Xi Epsilon chapter for an afternoon cleaning up Manhattan Beach.



Some of our members volunteered at a local garden for friends and neighbors day.



In collaboration with Viterbi and Professor Armani, Theta Tau worked with local elementary and middle school children to teach STEM and bridge the gap between art and technology using Spheros.


Monterey Hills School Robotics Evening

The Interaction Lab held a Robotics Evening at Monterey Hills School in South Pasadena to encourage young children to study STEM and to share research efforts and finding with the local community. Approximately 100 elementary school student, along with siblings and parents, attended and participated in the half-dozen activities and demonstrations set up. Students and families had the opportunity to interact and learn about robots from our lab, including Spritebot/Kiwi, Beam, Turtlebot, and Spheros, and not only learn about different applications of robotics such as SAR, they also learned about fundamental technologies used in robotics such as SLAM, computer vision, and planning. Hands-on activities with Sphero painting and Sphero maze-solving gave students to get truly interactive demos with these accessible robots.

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Engineering is SWEll--Design Thinking for SAR

The Society of Women Engineers in collaboration with other organizations on campus will be hosting our bi-annual event Engineering is SWEll, which aims to increase young girls’ interest in engineering. 4th and 5th-grade girls are invited to USC to take part in exciting engineering workshops. Theta Tau at USC hosted a design thinking workshop exploring product design and design thinking in the context of socially assistive robots (SAR). Students had the chance to work through finding applications for SAR and designing hypothetical SAR for those applications in a guided iterative design session.

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Math, Engineering, and Science Advancement (MESA)

MESA is a program of the University of Southern California (under contract with the University of California) that serves educationally disadvantaged students and, to the extent possible by law, emphasizes participation by students from groups with low rates of eligibility for four-year colleges. MESA provides a pipeline of academic services from elementary through university level to increase the number of these students who graduate with degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Theta Tau at USC hosted activities relating to robots, namely Sphero maze-solving and Sphero painting. 

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